TU11 – Brain Science

Neuro Movement Neuro Education Neurocognitive Training How many stars can you collect today? Train Now Try Hard!

TU8 – Brain Science

Neuro Movement Neuro Education Neurocognitive Training How many stars can you collect today? Train Now Try Hard!

TU5 – Brain Science

Neuro Movement Neuro Education Neurocognitive Training How many stars can you collect today? Train Now Try Hard!

TU10 – Brain Science

Neuro Movement Neuro Education This lesson focusses on the cognitive skill of executive function. What is it? Why is it important? Who has high levels of this skill? (think of different job roles!) How do I improve this skill? What? Executive function refers to your brain’s ability to think, plan and organise actions.   The […]

TU9 – Brain Science

Neuro Movement Neuro Education This lesson focusses on the cognitive skill of memory. What is it? Why is it important? Who has high levels of this skill? (think of different job roles!) How do I improve this skill? What? Memory describes information that we store in our brains. There are different forms of memory that […]

TU7 – Brain Science

Neuro Movement Neuro Education This lesson focusses on the cognitive skill of processing speed. What is it? Why is it important? Who has high levels of this skill? (think of different job roles!) How do I improve this skill? What? Processing speed (or “brain speed”) refers to how quickly your brain can take in new […]

TU6 – Brain Science

Neuro Movement Neuro Education This lesson focusses on the cognitive skill of attention. What is it? Why is it important? Who has high levels of this skill? (think of different job roles!) How do I improve this skill? What? When you focus your brain on something so that you can process information that you receive […]

TU4 – Brain Science

Neuro Movement Neuro Education This lesson focusses on the cells that make up the brain and central nervous system – neurons. The human brain consists of approximately 100 billion neurons when we are born. How different combinations of these neurons communicate with one another is responsible for our thoughts, actions and memories. Which of the […]