This course explores the often scrutinised subject of character development and its contribution to success in terms of living, learning, and earning. We trace its Ancient Greek roots to its position within positive psychological frameworks in use today.
Mr Bernhard is the main protagonist within the course, along with three of his students – Charlotte, Max and Stacey. Mr Bernhard is compelled to go beyond his curriculum responsibilities to provide them with valuable mentoring advice about the skills, mindset and character required to lead a successful and flourishing life.
Within each lesson you will be asked a series of questions to help understand the importance of developing a Personal Brand, what it should contain and how it can be used. In order to answer these questions you will have to research the topics using a range of articles and websites that can be accessed using the “Materials” tab above the scenario or questions.
These resources will not give you the assessment answers immediately. You will need to read and digest them to find the specific pieces of information needed to answer the questions. This will have the effect of cementing the learning in your memory as you use what learning psychologists call “active processing” to understand the materials and extract the information you need. If you get an answer wrong, don’t despair; go back and look again. All the information you need is there to be found. Remember that one or more of the options may be correct for each assessment question. Select as many of the options as you think are applicable.
Course Objective
To examine the role that character development can play in improving learning, wellbeing, performance and success.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe one method of classifying character traits and a number of benefits associated with developing one’s character strengths
- Explain how character may be developed making reference to key concepts such as growth mindset, role models and gamification
- Avoid some of the ideological and functional issues surrounding virtue ethics and character development that could hinder their usefulness and effectiveness